It’s taken a lot of hours, a lot of hard work, and a lot of support, but Bill and Kelly Bolt of Minneota have impressed customers of the Lake Benton Grocery Store in the three weeks since they have
It’s taken a lot of hours, a lot of hard work, and a lot of support, but Bill and Kelly Bolt of Minneota have impressed customers of the Lake Benton Grocery Store in the three weeks since they have
Bill and Kelly Bolt took a major step toward buying Lake Benton Grocery, signing a purchase agreement last Tuesday.
Minneota Police Chief Bill Bolt has resigned his position as a member of the Minneota School Board, effective with Tuesday night’s meeting.
Bug Days is just around the corner and it should be filled with family fun and great entertainment. Please keep in mind that all of our laws stay in FULL EFFECT for bug days.
With summer comes hot and humid days, and with them the dangers of heat stroke, dehydration, and respiratory problems.
After Minneota Police Chief Bill Bolt had his head closely shaved on June 30, he posted a photo on Facebook with the caption, "Nothing like a new haircut to make you feel young … newborn young, tha
Domestic Assault is a very real and present danger in every community in Minnesota. Over the past 20 years, it is by far the most common form of assault that I have investigated.
Police Chief Bill Bolt came as a Mystery Reader to the kindergarten classroom at St. Ed's for “I Love to Read” month.
Minnesota West Community and Technical College, would like to announce the Fall Semester 2018 Dean’s List and to congratulate the following students for their outstanding academic achievement.
Minneota Police Chief Bill Bolt didn’t know when he wrote Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson that he’d be invited to the state capitol to help create reform for distracted driving.