The community sings

Choir Director Mary Kay Rabaey admits she doesn’t know how long the tradition has been going, and Band Director John Voit will tell you the same thing — but if the High School Christmas Concert didn’t include the community members helping to sing, “The Hallelujah Chorus,” most people would feel something was missing.
While the young and the older residents of the community join to sing, also present is a variety of hair styles shown by Thor Fischer and Dale Verschelde.
Others in the photo are Verschelde’s son Joe and Trey Gronke.
The Minneota High School Concert, “Making Spirits Bright” included lots of timpani, provided by Cole Myhre.
Residents from the audience joining the choir for the Hallelujah Chorus were Scott Anderson, Neal Bot and Doug Spanton.
Vocal director Mary Kaye Rabaey directed concert choir member Sophia Fischer as she watched her for cue.
Junior High Band tenor saxophonist Logan Anderson blew away with trumpeter Sam Skorczewski behind him.
Singing solos for the Junior High Choir were Kara Schmig and Joseph Voit.
Emma Lipinski and her mother Reba were part of the choir singing the Hallelujah Chorus.