Taking State Fair by storm

“Traditionally our kids do quite well each year at the state fair,” said Sam Jens, Lyon County 4-H Coordinator. He wasn’t wrong.
Minneota kids waltzed into the Minnesota State Fair last week and walked home with a pile of awards. Take Joshua Schuelke for instance.
After a summer of baseball and ag activities, he brought home a blue ribbon and Best of Show Junior Doe and Champion Alpine Junior Doe.
Schuelke’s neighbors and very good friends are the Moorses.
And Grady Moorse won a purple and Reserve Champion Brown Swiss Production; Brooke Moorse took a blue ribbon and Reserve Champion Red Holstein Net Merit and Gared Moorse was Reserve Champion in Dairy Goat Senior Showmanship Group C along with a blue ribbon.
Kinsey Moorse took a blue and Showmanship Blue.
Complete Results:
Beef: Mya Lozinski, Blue; Layne Lozinski, Red.
Dairy: Grady Moorse, Purple and Reserve Champion Brown Swiss Production; Carolyn Hoffmann, Purple; Brooke Moorse, Blue and Reserve Champion Red Holstein Cow Net Merit; Zack Fier, Blue, Dairy Showcase Participant; Joe Verschelde, Blue; Logan Schuelke, Blue.
Dairy Goat: Gared Moorse, Reserve Champion Senior Showmanship Group C, Blue; Malachi Klemm, Blue and Showmanship Blue; Kinsey Moorse, Blue and Showmanship Blue; Josh Schuelke, Blue, Best in Show Junior Doe and Champion Alpine Junior Doe.
Food Preservation: Kaitlyn Ludwikowski, Blue.
Meat Goat: Brynn Lozinski, Red.
Photography: Hope Beisler, Red; Cassie Kluess, Blue.
Poultry: Jodi Buysse, Red; Brenden Kimpe, Blue; Morgan Moorse, Blue; Jordan Moorse, Red.
Rabbit: Isabelle Kimpe, Blue; Lilly Moorse, Blue; Lauryn Hansen, Purple; Tara Thooft, Blue; Tucker Thooft, Purple; Natalie Bot, Red.
Shop: Gus VanHecke, Red.
Sheep: Heidi Guttormsson, Purple and Reserve Champion Middleweight Market Lamb; Troy Van Keulen, Blue; Dylan Vlaminck, Blue; Rachel Vlaminck, Blue.
Swine: Laura Knutson, Red and Market Gilt Showperson Advanced Division - fourth place; Travis Engels, Blue.