The animals, particularly this donkey, intrigued the young visitor. Mary and Joseph, Sydney Larson and Tyler Myhre, were in the manager along with the Wisemen, Nolan Boerboom, Nick Hernandez Martinez and Cole Myhre. Shepherds and Angels tried to get warm as visitors enjoyed the fire and the popcorn. Shepherds and Angels tried to get warm as visitors enjoyed the fire and the popcorn. They threw in live animals and a real-life camel to make the event complete.

Nativity comes to life

Nothing brings the Christmas season to life faster than a live nativity scene and the lighting of the Christmas Tree. Both gave Minneota a solid kick off into the 2017 Christmas Holiday Season last weekend.

Hope Lutheran Church brought the “Nativity” to life with real-life Mary and Joseph, the wisemen, angels and a complete cast of characters.

They threw in live animals and a real-life camel to make the event complete.

Hope Lutheran Church presented its “Live Nativity” Saturday and Sunday night at Veteran’s Park.

Mary and Joseph, Sydney Larson and Tyler Myhre, were in the manager along with the Wisemen, Nolan Boerboom, Nick Hernandez Martinez and Cole Myhre.

The animals, particularly this donkey, intrigued the young visitor.

Shepherds and Angels tried to get warm  as visitors enjoyed the fire and the popcorn.

Contact Us

The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492