Helping out
Wed, 09/11/2019 - 7:12pm
Last week Duane Peterson of the State Bank of Taunton presented a check for $250 to the Minneota First Responders.
Last week Duane Peterson of the State Bank of Taunton presented a check for $250 to the Minneota First Responders.
When Minneota was faced with the possibility of losing ambulance service recently, the community stepped up to the plate and rallied to form a First Responders group.
The doors to the bus opened and kids began to pile out. But many had looks on their faces, as if to wonder if they were dropped off at the right school.
First Graders Blayze Hulzebos (left) and Kienzlee Sawyer seemed to be having a good time during the Minneota Elementary Christmas Concert last week.