Vultures continue preying on their opponents
The Minneota Vultures Junior American Legion team has been having trouble getting in seven innings lately.
The Minneota Vultures Junior American Legion team has been having trouble getting in seven innings lately.
Twenty-one students from Minneota High School visited the ADM Corn Processing ethanol plant in Marshall on April 19 to learn more on how Minnesota-grown renewable energy is produced.
Minneota’s six state speech entrants came away from the state meet at Apple Valley Saturday with a lot of valuable experience.
“The kids did a great job,” said Coach Kim Gades.
Minneota-Canby had a BIG inning — scoring 11 runs in the first game against Lac qui Parle Valley. Then they didn’t score another run until the sixth inning of the second game.
Minneota’s speech team has clinched state berths in four categories by placing in the top three at the Section 3A meet on Saturday at Southwest Minnesota State University in Marshall.
Two of the strongest distance runners in the area put on Canby-Minneota uniforms. One is junior Anthony Wollum, who ran in the state last year and placed 12th.
Coach Heidi Boerboom was looking to strengthen her pitching staff. So where did she look?
Donnie Schuelke stood along, hands on his hips, a smile crossing his face.