Helping out
Wed, 09/11/2019 - 7:12pm

Last week Duane Peterson of the State Bank of Taunton presented a check for $250 to the Minneota First Responders.
The responders are: (Front row left to right) Benny Vlaminck, Justin Pesch, Dallas Muhl, Randy Hoffmann and Carrie Poach. Second row: Laura Swedzinski, Kelli Gamrak, Lisa Becker, Emily Coequyt, Duane Peterson of State Bank of Taunton, Shelby Muhl, Janelle Verschelde, Seth Myhre and Jocelyn Bitker. Back Row: Brittany Smith, David Moriarty, Trevor Ascheman, Keith Downing and Mike Coequyt. Not pictured. Melinda Boettger, Colleen Ludwikowski, Austin Thompson, Mark Laleman, Travis Downing and Jeri Whortenbury.