City Hall Bar & Grill to be open for lunch

Beginning on Tuesday, Feb. 4, City Hall Bar & Grill will have new hours and the restaurant will begin serving lunch.
Previously, the restaurant was only open for lunch on Saturdays. "I decided to make these changes because there really is no place to have lunch in town," said City Hall Bar & Grill manager Jordan Dresson.
"We wanted to accommodate all the workers in the community. People have been asking about being open for lunch for awhile now." When the new hours begin, lunch will be available beginning at 11 a.m. Tuesday through Saturday.
Some of the items available for lunch will be appetizers, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, chicken and baskets. "And we will have a different lunch special each day from Tuesday through Friday, with Saturday lunch being the regular menu," said Dresson.
The bar will also be open during lunch each day, too. The lunch specials Dresson has put in place beginning Feb. 4 are: Tuesday Three soft shell beef tacos - $6.95; Wednesday 2-piece broasted chicken (white or dark), mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw, dinner roll - $7.50; Thursday Chef's choice (prices vary); Friday Breaded cod or chicken sandwich, fries - $7.50
A private room is also available for meetings. Reservation is requested.
The new hours for the City Hall Bar & Grill beginning Feb. 4 will be: Monday Bar 4-11 p.m., Restaurant 4-9:30 p.m., Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday Bar 11 a.m.-11 p.m., Restaurant 11 a.m.-9:30 p.m.; Friday-Saturday Bar 11 a.m. to 1 a.m., Restaurant 11 a.m.-10:30 p.m.; Sunday: Closed
Check the City Hall Bar & Grill Facebook page for updates and announcements.