Countryside Golf Club names new manager

New Countryside Golf Club manager Ryan Juutilainen and his wife, Dai, have five daughters. That six-to-one, female-to-male ratio can be trying at times.

"That's why I've spent a lot of time on the golf course," he joked.

Juutilainen will be spending even more time on the golf course now after accepting the position in Minneota recently. Juutilainen replaces Tony Esping, who did an outstanding job lifting the golf club out of the red to show a profit this past season. Esping decided to step down to concentrate on his full-time job and also to spend more time with his family.

"Tony really built things up over his three years," said Juutilainen. "He is training me now to take over in April."

The Countryside board of directors wanted someone full time to run the business. Juutilainen resigned his position as produce manager at Tersteeg's grocery store in Redwood Falls and his last day there was Dec. 16.

"There are a lot of similarities in the two jobs" Juutilainen said. "And there are a lot of differences. Grocery retail is a tough business right now and I was working six or seven days a week because we were having a tough time getting people to work. So, I thought it was time for a change."

Juutilainen grew up in Carlton, MN, where he played on the golf team. He then attended Minnesota State University, Mankato. He and his wife moved to Marshall in 2006 and he became produce manager at Country Pride in Marshall. When that grocery store closed a few years ago, Juutilainen took the job in Redwood Falls.

Ryan and Dai live in Marshall. Their daughters are Rhyana, 21; Holly, 19; Kaylee, 11; Tracy, 9; and Evelyn, 5.

Juutilainen is familiar with Countryside Golf Club. He became a member there in 2006 when he moved to Marshall, and has also been a member there for the past two years.

"It's a nice course and I enjoy the people there," he said.

And it's a nice place to get away to when he feels outnumbered.

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