County approves new Verizon tower near Ghent

On Tuesday, the Lyon County Board approved a conditional use permit to Verizon to construct a new 259-foot communication tower with the needed equipment.
It will be located on land owned by Orville and Marjorie Hennen. It is located northwest of Ghent, just off County Road 5 and across from the driveway of Joe Hennen. It’s also northwest of the St. Eloi Church in Ghent.
The tower must be kept clean and enclosed by a fence. The tower will help Verizon with better reception in the area.
IN OTHER action the board:
•Continued to refine a request for bids for the Garvin Park shower/bathroom building. “The request for bids has been refined to include adjusted minimum requirements,” said Environmental Administrator Roger Schroeder. A pre-fabricated building or construction on site are both being considered. Schroeder indicated he was leaving the construction open so it could appeal to local contractors.
The bids are likely to be available for the October 17 meeting.
Earlier the board did not accept the first round of bids and decided to adjust the building to lower the cost.
“We need to get this done in the fall,” said Commissioner Rick Anderson.
•Approved liquor license fee increases. Moberg indicated its been a long time since the fees have been increased (not since 2005). A hearing for November 7 was set to consider the increases.
They are:
Current Fees Proposed Fees
3.2% Off-Sale Sale Liquor License $15 $50
3.2% On-Sale Liquor License $40 $50
On-Sale Wine License $50 $100
On-Sale Liquor License $300 $700
Sunday Liquor License $75 $150
Temporary Liquor License $30 $30
•Approved a low bid from Bisbee Plumbing and Heating of Marshall for the replacement of the heating system in the Lyon County Museum. The bid was for $95,000.
“We’ve been limping along, (with the current system),” said Administrator Loren Stomberg.