A Summary of the Proceedings of the Lyon County Board
9:00 a.m. pursuant to notice the Lyon County Commissioners met with the following members present: Commissioners Anderson, Andries, Crowley, Draper, and Graupmann. Also present: Administrator Stomberg and County Attorney Wikelius.

MSP to approve the agenda with the addition.
MSP to approve the consent agenda as presented.
MSP to approve the lease agreement with DEED and authorize the County Administrator to sign it, up to 4 years, setting rates of the first 2 years at $15.00 per square foot, and the last 2 years at $15.50 per square foot.
MSP to approve the out of state travel for County Attorney Wikelius, to attend the Child Abuse and Abusive Head Trauma symposium in Albany, NY.
MSP to accept the $100 donation from Arlene Schoephoerster, and place into the DARE account.
MSP to approve purchase for a 2024 RAM SSV pickup from Lockwood Motors, for the amount of $40,668.00 with the addition of tax and title license.
MSP to commit the amount of $39,375.00 when needed, to the 18 County Mental Health Consortium.
MSP to accept the bid and sign the contract with Mark Sand & Gravel, for the amount of $1,465,252.40.
MSP to authorize County Engineer VanMoer to sign the annual bituminous materials agreement with Flint Hills Resources for 2024, in the amount of $443,750.00.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.

A copy of these proceedings are available in the County Administrator Office of Lyon County and also available at

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The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492