County to help Ghent with street project

A resolution allowing Lyon County to act as a sponsor of the City of Ghent’s Local Road Improvement Program project was approved by the board on Tuesday. Cities that are not a State Aid city (populations less than 5,000) and townships must have a county sponsor.
The county board will be the fiscal agent on behalf of the community and will ensure the project meets its goals. The project is necessary because of the deteriorated condition of McQuestion Street.
The project will mainly include the reconstruction of existing curb and gutter and bituminous surfacing.
“They are planing to convert the western portion of McQuestion Street from County Road 5 to North Coleman Street to an urban design section with curb and gutter,” said County Engineer Aaron VanMoer.
Boulevard sidewalks and service sidewalks will be removed and replaced where necessary for new utility construction to meet handicap requirements.
“New storm sewer manholes, catch basins and pipes will be constructed where necessary to properly drain the new street surface.”
Sanitary sewer pipe lines on McQuestion Street will be removed and replaced. The total cost of the project is $1,484,780. “We are the fiscal host. It really doesn’t make us responsible for any funds,” said Commissioner Rick Anderson.
A grant for about half the project will be secured.
IN OTHER action the board:
•Approved the final payment on the Adams Street project in Minneota to Duininck, Inc. for portions of County Road 3, which is county property. The project included sanitary, storm sewer and water improvements of two blocks and new surfacing between Jefferson and Market Streets.
The amount of the payment approved was $114,869.86. The City of Minneota asked the county to pay their share of the project.
•Was looking to reduce the general obligation county jail refunding bonds — so they put the project out for bids. The county wanted to sell $2,480,000 in bonds on the jail.
“The objective was to save money, and that you did,” said a spokesman for Springsted Incorporation, the company handling the sale of bonds.
He indicated there were four bids and the bid was awarded to Northland Securities, Inc., D. A. Davidson & Co., United Bankers’ Bank at the rate of 1.45 percent. As a result, the county will save about $128,000.