County needs new veteran officer

Lyon County Veterans Service Officer (VSO) Terry Wing has resigned his position with Lyon County.
According to County Administrator Loren Stomberg, “He just resigned.”
Board Chairman Paul Graupmann indicated, “It was a little abrupt,” indicating a lack of notice to the board.
The board recently held a closed meeting with Wing. However, Stomberg indicated Wing was still the VSO after that meeting and no action was taken.
When asked about where he has gone, both Graupmann and Stomberg said they really weren’t sure.
However, Stomberg indicated Wing seemed to be seeking another position because he asked Stomberg for a recommendation for one job possibility.
A few meetings ago, Wing asked the board for an additional officer to help with the load because it had become increasingly heavy for him.
Stomberg indicated he was working on filling that job.
As a result of Wing leaving, the Lyon County Board was asked by County Human Resources Director Carolyn McDonald for recommendations on hiring a County Veteran’s Service Officer.
She indicated, “The current VSO duties are filled on site three days per week by staff from the State of Minnesota.”
The board approved a request to move ahead to fill the VSO position with a permanent full-time hire.
However, they haven’t set all the parameters on how that hiring will take place. They told McDonald to update a job description for the position.
Wing had been the VSO in Lyon County for several years and he was responsible for getting a veteran’s van to transport veterans to the main Veteran’s Hospitals in Sioux Falls and St. Cloud.
McDonald will begin the job of advertising the position, finding candidates for the board to consider and creating a job description for the position. The current staff is handling the bus and other duties until a new VSO can be hired.
IN OTHER action the board:
•The county board approved a variance for the speed limits at new bridges being constructed in Camden State Park.
As part of the three-bridge replacements, 250 feet of approach grading needs to take place on each side of the bridges.
“This is due to the raised road surface of the new concrete structures,” said County Engineer Aaron VanMoer. “We are raising the road,” he said.
The old bridges have a 20 mph limit but the new bridge designs and expected approach grading will mean a 30-mph design.
“However, this design will involve a significant amount of excavation and resource removal within the park.”
VanMoer asked for a variance request so this work can be done. “Two of the three bridges will be done this fall and winter and one will be done next year,” said VanMoer.
•Approved a bid of $570,285 to R&G Construction Company of Marshall for four township culverts for be replaced with precast concrete box culverts at the site of four new township bridges. Completion date is November 4.
These bridges and culverts are in Rock Lake Township; two in Grandview Township and one in Lynd Township.
•Voted to help reduce the speed limit enforcement along County State Aid Highway 8 entering Green Valley.
Residents have complained about the speed problem and Sheriff Mark Mather has confirmed the problem in the area. The current speed limit changes from 55 to 30 miles per hour.
“The problem is most people don’t slow down in the area,” said County Engineer Aaron VanMoer.
The recommendation was to increase awareness of the speed reduction by using “dynamic speed signs” to reduce the speed in the area.
“Radar signs indicating the current speed are most effective,” said VanMoer. Such a sign (with 15-inch letters) would cost about $8,600 for purchase and installation. These signs flash, “Your speed” at the time.
“I know those signs slow me down,” said Commissioner Gary Crowley. “Money wise, that would be our best buy and I think that would work,” said the commissioner.
Commissioner Charlie Sanow said he’d like the sign to be on a portable trailer, “so it could be moved.”
“Hopefully this will take care of it,” said Commissioner Rick Anderson.
“I’m OK to start with one portable (unit) that we can use in other communities,” said Sheriff Mather. He indicated a need for several more but we should, “Start with one and see how it works out.”