Marshall vets get county help for new project

After several months of dealing with the possible funding of the Minneota Veteran’s Park Memorial Fund, the Lyon County Board finally put $15,000 in the current budget for the Minneota veteran’s plan.
At the time, the board indicated they would dedicate the same amount to the Marshall Memorial project. They approved the $15,000 to go toward the project.
The Marshall VFW appeared to ask for funding for their addition to the 9/11 Memorial Park in Marshall. Tuesday, officials of the project told the county board “this will be a major project.”
They expect it to cost between $225,000 to $250,000. According to Marc Klaith, the project currently has about $90,000 in the fund for the updated project.
Area residents will be able to purchase “pavers” to go into the project and to help with the fundraising.
IN OTHER action the board:
•Approved a letter signed by Lyon County Chairman Paul Graupmann to the City of Marshall regarding a proposed TIF (Tax Increment Financing) District being proposed by the city. It would help the funding development of Commerce Park Industrial Park for the tru Shrimp company.
The TIF District would help the company build a shrimp hatchery.
The county wanted to urge the city, “To close the TIF districts when incurred expenses have been collected and recovered via TIF.”
The board was concerned the city should not, “Continue to collect increment for the full duration of the district.”
They also said in the letter, “The city has significant monies remaining.”
•Awarded a Camden Park Bridge replacement project to Robert Schroeder Construction of Glenwood, MN for $2,129,028 for replacement of bridges at Camden Park. Three steel truss bridges on County Road 83 within Camden State Park will be replaced. They will be installed by next May. Funding is provided by a state park grant; DNR Parks and Trails funds and $65,000 from Lyon County. The Department of Natural Resources will administer the project.
•Approved a $46,360 contract with Traffic Marketing Service for striping of 39 miles of county roads.
•Approved a joint powers agreement between the county and the State of Minnesota on behalf of the county Criminal Apprehension System. The agreement will allow the county to use systems and tools available from the state’s criminal justice date communications network.
Sheriff Mark Mather was appointed as the authorized representation to sign the agreement — with District Attorney Richard Maes also as an authorized representative. “We do this every year and there are no changes,” said Sheriff Mather.
•Approved the hiring of Nathan St. Aubin and Quinn Bullard as correctional officers. “With these two hires, I believe we are at full, adequate staffing,” said Human Resources Director Carolyn McDonald.
But Commissioner Gary Crowley questioned why there is such a large turnover in personnel in the corrections department. McDonald indicated, “There are several reasons. They get good pay, but not great pay, and the nights and weekends often make it a job people don’t want to stay at.”
Commissioner Charlie Sanow added that many of the correction staff members have aspirations of becoming a deputy in the county department or in other offices. They will be paid $17.12 per hour.
•Hired a new deputy sheriff. He is Matt Hoekstra of Goodhue, a 14-year veteran and he’s originally from the Marshall area. He will be paid $28 per hour.