Parking problem

There has always been a parking problem at the Lyon County Government Center and staff parking at the main entrance created a need for county board discussion on Tuesday.
“There’s a concern about parking along Sixth Street,” said County Administrator Loren Stomberg.
He suggested posting restriction signs because staff and others are parking in that area and should be kept open for residents who want access to the government center.
“I’m looking for direction from the board,” said Stomberg.
They decided to put up restriction signs along the entire block. “You can put signs up, I have no problem with that,” said Commissioner Charlie Sanow.
But he suggested this be done for a “short period of time.”
He added, “Hopefully that will cure it,” Commissioner Sanow added.
Commissioner Steve Ritter originally brought up the problem because he noticed three staff cars in the area.
“I’ve had people tell me they can never find parking space,” he added.
He also said a letter to each department head at the Government Center was needed to explain the parking situation.
“I would (use the signs) on the whole block,” said County Administrator Loren Stomberg.
“We are going to see, hopefully, construction of a new parking lot within a year. We’re going to be looking at this closely,” said Commissioner Rick Anderson.
As a result, he supported Sanow’s idea of a short-term fix by putting up the restricted parking signs. In the meantime, discussions will continue on how to create more parking space at the Government Center. There is no easy solution.