Superintendent's Report
Mon, 11/18/2019 - 1:37pm
This week is American Education Week. I want to thank all of our staff for their hard work and dedication to our students.
This week is American Education Week. I want to thank all of our staff for their hard work and dedication to our students.
I want to take a moment to thank our Minneota First Responders for volunteering to come to our athletic contests.
“U.S. News has named our school a bronze winner, based on testing,” said Supt. Dan Deitte. The news came at the June school board meeting last Thursday.
Making Safe Drinking Water Your drinking water comes from a groundwater source: purchased water from Lincoln-Pipestone Rural Water System.
The final day of the 2017-2018 school year is this Friday, May 18 (the seniors were done last Friday).