A quote from Ryan Montgomery – “My mom once said to me, ‘I can tell you over and over to leave the situation, but you won’t until you’re ready.
Not of the snow or the cold, but are you actually ill? Many people are coming down with all sorts of nasty bugs.
Recently people have asked how we go about deciding to declare a snow emergency and what does it really mean.
On December 28, I was paged while off duty to respond to two different domestic disturbance calls, back-to-back.
We live in Minnesota, and that means snowstorms. In order to keep our roads safe and open, we depend on plow truck drivers to remove the snow.
Christmas shopping has begun and that means the Grinches will be out looking to steal your stuff.
The best thing you can do is to lock your vehicle and don't leave valuables in it.
It’s that time of the year again to move your sump pump discharge from the street to the sanitary sewer.
This is needed to prevent ice build-up on the sidewalks and streets.
As we enter the political countdown for 2020, I anticipate that the negative attention shown to law enforcement will increase.